2024 community Regrant

Black Tech Saturdays is excited to announce the Community Regrant Program, designed to support community institutions within Detroit city limits in providing tech-based programming and training.

We will award up to 6 grants of $20,000 each. We aim to scale mass tech adoption in Detroit by empowering community institutions to deliver impactful technology education and training.

Application Requirements:

  • Grant Amount: Each grant will be $20,000.

  • Eligibility: The project must be anchored to a community institution within Detroit city limits.

  • Program Focus: The program must provide technology-based programming and training.

  • Metrics: Applicants must clearly outline the metrics they will use to measure the success of their project.

  • Implementation Plan: Applicants must provide a detailed project implementation plan.

  • Impact: Applicants must estimate the number of people they believe will be impacted by their work.

  • Scalability: Explain how the project will help Detroit scale mass tech adoption.


Application Timeline:

  • Application Open Date: Saturday, August 10th, 2024

  • Application Due Date: Monday, September 9th, 2024, 11:59 PM ET

  • Grant Announcement Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2024

Required Application Components:

Project Overview:

  • Briefly describe your project and its objectives.

  • Identify the community institution anchoring the project.

Project Implementation Plan:

  •  Provide a detailed plan for how the project will be implemented.

  • Include a timeline of key activities and milestones.

Metrics and Evaluation:

  •  Specify the metrics you will use to measure the success of your project.

  •   Explain how you will collect and analyze this data.

Projected Impact:

  •  Estimate the number of individuals who will be impacted by your project.

  •  Describe the anticipated short-term and long-term impacts on the community.

Scalability and Sustainability:

  •  Explain how your project can be scaled to reach more people.

  •  Discuss how you plan to sustain the project beyond the grant period.


  • Provide a detailed budget for how the $20,000 grant will be used.

  •  Include any additional funding sources or in-kind support.

Supporting Documents:

  •    Include any letters of support from community partners.

  •    Provide resumes or bios of key project personnel.

Review Criteria:

Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Clarity and feasibility of the project implementation plan.

  • Relevance and impact of the proposed metrics.

  • Projected impact and scalability of the project.

  • Sustainability of the project beyond the grant period.

  • Alignment with the goals of Black Tech Saturdays to scale mass tech adoption in Detroit.

2024 community Regrant